Food Stamp Fraud Lawyer

Food Stamps

If you have ever received food stamps, you know what they are. Essentially it is the government helping you buy food and in many states, is put onto a card you can use at the store. There is usually a process to get them; whether it is long or short, depends upon the case.

Food Stamp Fraud

This is usually when the government suspects that someone was dishonest when filling out an application for food stamps. This is called fraud and it is illegal to lie on a federal document. You usually can only apply for yourself and maybe your family, but no one else.

What if I'm being accused?

Being accused of anything is not fun; whether it is fraud or lying to someone else. There is hope. You would call on a food stamp fraud attorney if you are facing these kinds of accusations. Usually with lawyers and attorneys, the first consultation is free, so there is no obligation up front. The lawyers just want to see what your case is about and if they are able to help you. In this profession, things get busy so consult us right away if you ever find yourself needing our services.

How often?

You mean, how often does food stamp fraud happen? Well, it happens more often than we would like to think. We would like to help prove that food stamp fraud has not happened with you and we would like you to give us a call as soon as you can. Things happen; that's for certain. Our lawyers are here to help you and your case, just call us!